Campo Militar de São Jorge / Campo Militar de Aljubarrota - núcleo 2
Altar Comemorativo da Batalha de Aljubarrota - Campo de São Jorge - Portugal A Batalha de Aljubarrota decorreu no final da tarde de 14 de Agosto de 1385, entre tropas portuguesas comandadas por D. João I de Portugal e o seu condestável D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, e o exército castelhano de D. Juan I de Castela. A batalha deu-se no campo de S. Jorge, nas imediações da vila de Aljubarrota, entre as localidades de Leiria e Alcobaça no centro de Portugal. O resultado foi uma derrota definitiva dos castelhanos e o fim da crise de 1383-1385, e a consolidação de D. João I como rei de Portugal, o primeiro da dinastia de Avis. A paz com Castela só veio a estabelecer-se em 1411. The Battle of Aljubarrota (pronounced [alʒuβɐˈʁɔtɐ]) took place on August 14, 1385, between the forces commanded by King John I of Portugal and his general Nuno Álvares Pereira, and the army of King John I of Castile. The place was São Jorge, between the towns of Leiria and Alcobaça in central Portugal. The result was a decisive defeat of the Castilians and the end of the 1383-1385 Crisis, establishing John as King of Portugal. Portuguese independence was assured and a new dynasty, the House of Aviz, was established. Scattered border confrontations with Castilian troops would persist until the death of John I of Castile in 1390, but these posed no real threat to the new dynasty. To celebrate his victory and acknowledge divine help, John I of Portugal ordered the construction of the monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória na Batalha and the founding of the town of Batalha (Portuguese for "battle", pronounced [bɐˈtaʎɐ]). The king, his wife Philippa of Lancaster, and several of his sons are buried in this monastery, today a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Data: 15 de outubro de 2012
Autor: Vitor Oliveira
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